Meet Our Speechies

Melinda Cassells

Mel is our senior therapist with over 31 years experience.  She has a special knack of knowing just what a child needs to do to make that big leap forward. She loves to watch children blossom into all they can be. It could be her learning struggles at school or that her brain just thinks differently but she has a way of approaching learning that works.  As the author of sounds-letters she is often working with schools from around the state to share her knowledge of teaching children to read and spell.  Her passion for helping all children achieve their full potential means that she works with Kim,  Rachel and Rebecca to ensure that all clients are achieving their best.

Kim Hollander

Kim developed a genuine understanding of what children with speech and language difficulties experience through her own personal journey with meningitis when at the age of 4 she had to relearn to talk. She loves working with children, where the child’s enjoyment is the key to helping them succeed. She’s not afraid to be silly or creative when helping children reach their goals. She loves being creative so much that she got a degree in Creative Industries before turning her energies to speech therapy. Kim’s returned to Australia after working in London in a specialist Autism Speech Therapy role. She enjoys working with children of all ages.

Rachel Hine

Rachel began life and study in New South Wales, though it didn’t take long for Queensland to win her over – except at Origin time! Go the Cockroaches! After university she spent a few years working in sunny Rockhampton and has now settled in Brisbane and life on the peninsula. She loves working alongside parents to cheer kids on and support them in their communication abilities, whether this is related to speech, language, fluency, literacy or social language development. Rachel gets so excited seeing children of all ages reach their individual goals, and this is what she loves most about being a speechie!

Rebecca Musgrave

Rebecca has a wide range of interests from dancing to fixing up old cars and restoring furniture.  She has two dogs who couldn’t be more different from each other.  Rebecca loves to work with families to empower her clients and help achieve their goals.

All our Speechies are Certified Practicing Speech Pathologists and members of Speech Pathology Australia,
registered for Medicare and private health rebates.

Meet Our Office Angels

Lara McFarlane

Lara has moved from chilly Melbourne to sunny Brisbane.  She has a passion for pilates which she teaches.  She is partial to chocolate coated strawberries but is dedicated to healthy eating.  On the weekends she likes to go hiking. She’s here to find the right therapist and the right appointment time for you.

Our office angels keep everything ticking.  They will try to find you an appointment in the diary that best suits your needs. They watch over siblings and babies leaving you free to concentrate on therapy with your child.

Meet Our Speechettes

Our speechettes are our allied health assistants.  They enjoy helping their clients achieve.  They also help in the office with administration tasks and support the speechies with resource preparation.  

Jayde Underwood

Jayde has just completed her Bio med degree and is assessing her next step.  With a possible future in Speech Pathology.  Her mum is a Speech Pathologist and what can I say it runs in the family.  She’s here to find the right therapist and the right appointment time for you.

Ashleigh Olive

Ash has years of experience in teaching children to swim.  She is in her final year of Speech Pathology.  When she is not studying she is competing in triathlons.  

Meet Our Therapy Dogs


Hamish is quiet and reserved.  He still loves pats but often likes his own space.

Hamish and Murphy are therapy dogs in training. Currently Hamish and Murphy are working with Melinda.  Let us know if you think your child will not like meeting Hamish and Murphy and we will make sure that they are in another room.

Hamish and Murphy are spoodles who don’t drop hair and have a low allergy coat.


Murphy is adorable and a little excitable.  He loves firm strong pats and massages.  He loves to lick.